5 AI Marketing Tools of 2023 that You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Dylan Rhodes December 19, 2022
Updated 2022/12/20 at 7:04 PM
AI Tools for Marketing
If you’re not yet familiar with artificial intelligence, you should be! AI has been making waves across the technology industry and marketers have been reaping the benefits of this new tool since it first arrived on the scene in 2012.As you’ll see in this list of the top 5 AI tools for marketing, there are plenty of ways that AI can help make your business more effective at reaching customers.
Let’s get started!

5 AI Marketing Tools

Here’s the shortlist of the best 5 AI Marketing Tools that we’ll cover in this article:

Scrapebox is one of my favorite tools for creating content quickly and with little effort. You feed it a list of websites you want to scrape data from, and it does all the dirty work for you, pulling information from each site and then saving it in an easily readable format. Then, your job is simple: Just sort through all of that information once Scrapebox spits it out, selecting only what will actually be helpful in your campaign.

As an added bonus, you can use Scrapebox to track keywords on social media sites such as Twitter—perfect for discovering what topics are trending right now so that you can keep your brand in front of your target audience.

There’s a lot of noise out there on social media. If you’re going to successfully market your business and/or brand, you need ways to stand out. Tailwind is a free Instagram marketing tool that lets you schedule posts, monitor hashtags and mentions, find relevant influencers, collect analytics, and more.It’s an all-in-one suite of tools that makes it easy for you to do more with your social channels without stressing about keeping up with every platform’s ever-changing algorithm.If you’re serious about Instagram marketing or are looking for ways to branch out from other platforms (including Facebook), Tailwind should be one of your go-to resources for everything from content creation and promotion strategy planning through visual asset management and analytics tracking.
LinkAssistant is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that lets you extract, manage and analyze links in your content. It takes a machine learning approach and gets better with every project you use it on.For example, it can look at historical data for a piece of content you’ve published about John’s cheeseburgers and realize that most people who click on that link are linking back to how-to guides on making your own cheeseburgers.Next time you write an infographic or other piece of content related to cooking cheeseburgers, LinkAssistant will try to recommend additional helpful links that people may find useful when they share your post.
Buzzsumo is an all-in-one tool that makes it easy to discover and share content. There are a couple of features in particular, though, that can help you use Buzzsumo as an AI tool. To start with, Buzzsumo offers a social media analysis feature. This shows you what people are talking about online; it also enables you to analyze how well your own content has performed. Plus, you can see where your links get shared and by whom. Using these tools together can give you insights into what people like (and don’t like) about your content—and what sort of material they’re drawn to when seeking information related to your niche/industry or brand.

Easel.ly is a machine learning platform that can be used to create visually appealing infographics and data visualizations. Easel.ly uses images, not text, so you’ll have to have an image (or find one) to represent your marketing data in order for it to work properly, but once that hurdle is crossed 

Easel.ly can be used by anyone with a basic understanding of how marketing data is represented graphically. 

As a result, it’s easy for a non-marketer or someone without any sort of technical expertise at all – such as business owners and their employees – to use Easel.ly; even if they don’t understand what all of their data means!

The reality is that technology is constantly advancing and that means marketing is following in its footsteps. No matter what kind of industry you’re in, you have to adapt and evolve with it if you want to remain on top. 

The tools and methods we use today will probably seem outdated in a few years, so it’s important to be looking for new solutions all of the time. 

Luckily, there are plenty of solutions out there that can help increase your productivity and make your life as a marketer much easier—as long as you know where to look! Be sure to try out some of these AI tools for marketing if you want more free time while still keeping up with your work.


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Dylan Rhodes

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