5 Proven Ways to Boost Your SEO Strategy

Logan Hampton May 4, 2022
Updated 2022/05/11 at 5:16 PM

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to attract more customers and retain the ones you have. 

One of the best ways to do that is with an effective SEO strategy. But if you aren’t familiar with all the ins and outs of online marketing, it can be hard to know how to implement one effectively – especially if you don’t have much budget to work with. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at five proven ways that businesses can boost their SEO strategy so they can compete in this very competitive marketplace!

1) Choose Your Keywords Carefully

The best place to start when planning your search engine optimization strategy is with good keywords.

Identify phrases that your customers will be using in search engines (for example, if you’re in home renovation, you could use home renovations or renovations for homes) and make sure you’re using them frequently on your website, but also in mentions of your business online (like on Facebook or Twitter). 

Be sure that these phrases are present throughout all of your content. It can take some time to figure out exactly what it is people want when they search for a particular phrase, so don’t be discouraged by not finding success right away!

2) Optimize the Title of Each Post

The title of your post is often what search engines look at when determining where to place your content.

  1. Try creating long, specific and keyword-optimized titles for each post on your site. 
  2. Include in-depth keywords that are related or somewhat related to your business so you can rank for them and bring more traffic from relevant search terms.
  3. Add in mentions of important words or phrases that are relevant to your industry or niche, too.

You can do all of these things without sacrificing readability by formatting keywords into hyperlinks within the text.

3) Keep on Posting New Content Regularly

If you really want your business to succeed online, you need people to read your content. Search engines are designed with big brands in mind, so they look for large amounts of high-quality content on web pages.

 If your site doesn’t have enough content or it’s not relevant and recent, search engines will punish it by lowering its ranking. 

To give yourself an edge and drive traffic back to your website, make sure you post new content regularly.

There’s no strict rule about how often, but posting at least once per week should be enough for most sites—and if you have time for more than that, even better!

4) Stay Active on Social Media

A 2013 Pew Internet and American Life report found that 93 percent of online adults use social networking sites, including Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

For business owners, staying active on social media can not only help them connect with their customers but also create opportunities for reaching new ones. 

A recent Shopify study found that small businesses that actively engage on social media see an average increase in revenue of over 50 percent in six months! While we won’t tell you how to run your marketing campaigns or speak directly to your target audience (that’s up to you), we will give you some tips for taking full advantage of these essential channels.

5) Optimize your Header Tags

One of your site’s most important assets is its title tag, and it may be even more important than you think. The words in your title tag are usually featured prominently in search results, acting as clickable links that will drive traffic to your site. 

To determine which keywords and phrases you should use in your title tags, you can use free tools like Google AdWords or SEMrush to find out what keywords other websites are using for their title tags. 

If those terms don’t apply directly to what you do, you can still incorporate them into less prominent header tags like H1s or H2s—just make sure there’s always a balance between keyword-rich titles and strategically relevant copywriting for stronger SEO Strategy.


While there are no guarantees that these SEO strategies will help you move up in search engine rankings, I’m confident they’ll do just that if you put them into practice correctly. As a small business owner, it can be tough to invest money into marketing and promotions. 

However, your website is one of your most important investments—and shouldn’t be treated like an afterthought. Implementing some or all of these strategies will help you harness more traffic and potential customers for your business.

Logan Hampton

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