8 ways AI will change the future of marketing in 2023

Ethan Dih January 7, 2023
Updated 2023/01/23 at 12:25 PM

Artificial Intelligence has existed for quite a while now. Its origin roots back to the 1950s when the term was first coined at Dartmouth College in 1956. Marvin Minsky, a cognitive scientist back then, was hopeful about the potential of the technology. Turns out his hopes didn’t go in vain.

Fast forward to 2022, It is hard to think about a field that is not influenced by AI in one way or another. The world of marketing is by no means a stranger to that. According to the most recent data, AI technology can increase your business efficiency by up to 40%.

AI marketing is being used in a myriad of digital marketing initiatives across all kinds of sectors. Financial services, healthcare, retail, entertainment, and other industries are utilising AI marketing to leverage their functionality. 

Today, Artificial Intelligence is reshaping marketing operations. The results of utilising AI in marketing are numerous and varied, ranging from improved customer experience to automated marketing campaigns, customer retention improvements and of course, efficient marketing operations.

Now, Businesses and organisations are widely embracing artificial Intelligence marketing solutions to improve overall operational efficiency. AI marketing platforms are one of the several ways in which companies may benefit from this transformation. Marketers can use these platforms to gain a more detailed, all-encompassing knowledge of their target audiences and make better decisions based on that information. 

The following is a comprehensive list of 8 ways in which Artificial Intelligence can be used to leverage your marketing goals.

  1. Enhance customer experience with real-time personalisation

With the ever-so-dynamic customer demands and trends, it’s difficult to understand the customer’s pain points. Sure if you do the research you’ll most likely be able to figure out their needs. However, you don’t have to do it all manually, thanks to Artificial Intelligence and machine learning automation techniques.

AI marketing helps you in sending clients customised communications at the ideal moment. Additionally, it can assist marketers like you in identifying at-risk clients so you can send them messages tailored for reconversion.

Thus, AI automates the marketing process by providing each consumer with individualised offers, information, and assistance, businesses which is key to enhancing customer experience.

  1. Gather AI-generated Insights

For businesses, the insights generated by AI are helpful sources of information about their overall performance. Moreover, It provides insights into consumers’ buying habits which in return helps you make business-centric judgments. 

Additionally, external market knowledge may be gained through analysing the voluminous Big Data on social media sites, blogs, or other platforms using AI.

You may simply build consumer personas based on the vast data gathered by AI algorithms. On-site contacts, geographic discounts, purchasing habits, past interactions/communications, and referral sources, are just to name a few.

Therefore, customer segmentation can be performed with more precision using the power of emotional AI. You will have a better idea of which customers should be targeted and included or excluded from the campaign, as well as the ability to match clients with items they are most likely to buy. 

Moreover, It’s a win-win for both parties because customers will not receive offers for irrelevant or out-of-stock products if marketers segment them properly (and wisely).

  1. Content creation

Content creation is no doubt an utterly creative process. A little assistance from AI automation tools could result in superior content delivery. Although currently the majority of the content is created by humans, you may utilise AI tools to increase the productivity of your content team by automating certain processes like creating emails, creating customised reports and messages, and selecting social media content.

Moreover, content marketers can focus on strategizing rather than worrying about trivial marketing tasks as AI automates the marketing process.

When it comes to AI content tools, the potential is impressive and sometimes scary. Trending AI platforms like DALL·E 2 and ChatGPT by OpenAI are already competing with humans. But some basic tools like Jasper, Google Trends, Rocco, etc are extremely efficacious and absolutely need to be a part of every content creator/marketer’s toolkit.

Thus, AI-powered technologies can make content creators’/marketers’ jobs considerably easier and more productive.

  1. AI Chatbot Services

Good Customer support experience accounts for good marketing.

AI-powered natural language processing has made it possible for chatbots to perform functions that were formerly the domain of human customer support employees. 

AI Chatbot Services are now being used to assist users in clarifying their basic queries and FAQs. Customers wanting simple answers can turn to bots for quick, accurate responses. Therorefe, customer support staff will have more time to focus on complex issues requiring greater interpersonal sensitivity since they will have more time on their hands if they utilise historical data and previous questions to give personalised results.

Additionally, AI chatbots can become proactive advertising tools rather than just being utilised for direct customer acquisition by combining them with customised content marketing.

  1. PPC advertising with AI capabilities

AI is being used extensively in (pay-per-click advertising) and PPC Advertising.  Experts have discovered intriguing findings regarding the application of Artificial Intelligence in PPC. 

Some of the most popular AI applications in PPC include responsive ads, performance analysis, Dynamic search ads, Price optimization, etc.

PPC advertising with the help of AI and ML technologies is one of the many smart advertising strategies that you can incorporate in your marketing endeavours.

  1. Smart web searching

Believe it or not, traditional search is soon going to be a thing of the past. With advanced and intelligent search algorithms, your searches will get much smarter results. In other words, if you search for something like a white Persian cat, you’ll get results not only about them but where to adopt them, what food to buy for them, and the location of cat shelters around you. 

It is referred to as cognitive or AI search, and it makes use of a variety of tools like machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to comprehend the needs of each user. So, as a marketer, you can use the search engine’s potential to get user intent based on the information entered and focus on their pain points. 

  1. Curating smart email content

It is now possible to send each and every client a customised, curated email thanks to artificial intelligence. AI-assisted emails might become even more engaging for every subscriber by evaluating a customer’s reading habits and areas of interest to offer specific information most appropriate to that particular individual.

To learn all of the ways in which a particular person interacted with your content, you can always utilise the algorithm that can map a subscriber’s online browsing and email browsing history. This information enables the system to recognise user intent and produce one-on-one tailored email content.

  1. AI-powered image recognition

Since its inception, artificial intelligence has advanced quite a lot. One of the most impressive applications of AI has been in automated image recognition. So much so that the accuracy level of the technology has reached more than 99%!

Image recognition may improve the synchronisation between online content and retail visits from the viewpoint of marketers. To track in-store customer visits and connect these videos to their customers’ profiles, several businesses use facial recognition software which results in lead nurturing.

Benefits Of Using AI In Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence in digital marketing is simply another subset of the whole array of the AI revolution. The insights generated by the optimization techniques may be used to create conversions. Not to mention that it decreases the burden on marketing teams. 

Moreover, AI can provide data about the needs and behaviours of customers rather than just data about past purchasing history or online purchase behaviour. 

If you leverage the available AI tools and techniques properly, your marketing journey will surely have a smooth path ahead. From improved productivity, enhanced client satisfaction, increase revenue growth, and risk mitigation, AI marketing has a plethora of benefits to offer you as a marketer. All you have to do is keep an eye on the up-and-coming AI tools and trends and make use of them wisely and efficiently. 


We live in a world today where AI is all around us. From somatic robots like Sophia to the quite subtle ones which can forecast our future purchasing preferences, AI and its capabilities have spread across the board.

The world of business and marketing has been revolutionised by AI. Every other day a new challenge arises and your marketing strategies need to evolve to keep up. AI is undoubtedly a great tool to help you not only tackle those challenges without breaking your back. 
Some people also fear that AI will steal the jobs of marketers and creatives in the future. But nobody knows how much truth that statement holds. So for now, it’s a smart choice to utilise the power of machine learning and the AI marketing tips discussed here to level up your marketing game.

Ethan Dih

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